You know I was so blessed to hear you worshiping. Hear you singing, just loving God. And I believe that God will anoint you more and more. I don’t know what your heart desire is. I just wanna sing over you. I know that God… You know the father says that even when the father sings over us, he dances over us with joy and sings over us. See, we sing a lot, we hear a lot about the song of the Lord. We hear a lot about the song of a bride. The song the bridegroom, see, God sings over us. You have prophecy like just people speak it; we have prophesy that is sung. And God has given me the grace and anointing to sing over people and just to release the word of God over their lives, and to see a song being sung is so powerful. And it’s awesome when God sings.
I love praise and worship. I love it. But to be honest with you. It is wonderful to sing song. But I always wait when the prophetic song kicks in, then the Spirit begins to sing. It’s not our song anymore. It’s not our music anymore. It’s not our words anymore. But it is His song and his words.
We must always come to a place in praise and worship when God begins to sing. And those songs will touch people’s lives. I’d love to sing ‘Lord I give you my heart, I give you my soul…I live for you alone. Every breath that I take every moment I’m awake, Lord have Your way in me.’
It is wonderful to sing. Songs that has been written by men but when God sings over us, and God begins to sing like:
When you give your life to ME, when you surrender it all, I will use you the way the best I can. I will anoint your hands, I will anoint you. I will let my anointing flow. Surrender yourself to Me as you worship Me, I will touch your heart and your life. I will make known Myself to you, I will speak to you, just surrender yourself to Me, your life, your heart, your eyes, your hands, your feet, give it all to Me. I will set you free. This is just the beginning, this is just the beginning, where I will speak to you, and you will hear my voice, and I will speak to you in many ways, and when you hear my voice there will be a melody, songs from heaven will fill your heart and when you sing the song of the Lord, your heart and voice will beat as one as you sing the revelation of the Son. You release it with power and authority, the songs will be released with power and authority. It will set the captives free. Sing, sing a song of the Lord, and don’t hold back. Sing the song of the Lord, don’t hold back. I will anoint you, I will anoint your voice more and more. It will not stop, it will not cease, it will grow as you worship Me in liberty, a freedom to fill the place, my glory will shine on your face. I am with you. I called you. I will anoint you. I will lead you and I will guide you. I will fill the songs in your mouth, I will fill it up with My words. Just worship Me in my presence. Just worship Me and you will see, it will touch many lives, it will talk to many lives when you worship Me. When you worship Me, they will hear Me, they will hear Me, they will hear Me.
“When you worship Me, they will hear Me”
From Psalmist Abraham Laisana
Conference: Prophetic Worship
Church of Zion
La Cabana Aruba
O4.17.2013 10:32pm
Three years ago, I received these prophetic words from a psalmist named Abraham Laisina from the Netherlands. He was our guest speaker for the Praise and Worship Prophetic Conference organized by the Church of Zion Aruba.
I remember someone recorded it from church, an mp3 file, so I had the chance to listen to it, and I wrote them down. He said those words to me in the form of singing. I was one of the worship leaders that night, and because I am always nervous each time I lead, I got worried.
I’ve been leading worship for how many years, but still, I get anxious each time. It is God’s grace that I can stand up on stage. I was quietly praying to God before the event starts. I asked him to magnificently flow in the room and to everyone’s heart and to me, of course.
Here’s my prayer in private “God, please show me if I am really called to do this, make me have that feeling of satisfaction and joy as I do this service for you. Your will be done, and may you found my heart pure before you.”
I love to sing. But just because someone can sing doesn’t mean you can be a worship leader. There is more to it, and it’s accompanied by a great responsibility. Why? Because you are about to usher the people in the presence of God. For you to lead the people in worship, you should be in his presence first, soaking into His Word and prayer so you can worship Him in Spirit and truth. For me, without sounding religious, praising God is everything to me. I love to sing for Him. Today, I want to share this revelation that God has revealed to me.
I love to be in His presence. Words are not enough to express how great the feeling is when I am in His presence. It is life to me. A few days before the conference, God has been speaking to me to surrender everything to Him. A few days before the conference, God has been speaking to me. God wants me to surrender everything to Him, so He can use me. Emptying myself so He can fill me. I am longing for Him. He is the only one who can meet everything we need.
Despite trials, pain, and struggles, I dared to keep going, keep moving, and believe that all things work together for good to those who love God.
“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”
Romans 8:28
To tell you the truth, I have nothing to boast about my life. I don’t have riches in this world. But what I have is Jesus and that I can say I have my everything. I do not want to sound so holy or be called ‘holier than thou’ because I am not.
I am imperfect, a sinner saved by His grace. But what I can boast about is the grace of God that overflows in my life. When I worship Him in the privacy of my room or in public, I found my self in a different state, it seems everything is perfect. I can feel the deepest of peace where I cannot get from anyone or anything in this world.
Nowadays, when you look at social media, crimes, war, and filthy things are everywhere. We can all see it being depressing and heartbreaking. Buth with His promises, you can sleep peacefully and soundly and be assured that you are safe. Not to worry too much because you know that He will hold you, guide you, and protect you.
“For I the LORD thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.” Isaiah41:13
Worshiping God is loving Him
“You know what? I am blessed to hear you singing, to hear you worshiping Him, simply loving God,” Bro. Abraham came to me saying this line and started to prophesy. I don’t know. The last time I remember, I was really pouring out my heart to God. I had to prepare my heart. I was so nervous, and all I can say to God is to take over.
“I don’t want to be seen here, I want your presence to flow through me, through the team, through the leaders and just simply use us for your revelation to people” I prayed.
When you are a worship leader, you sometimes forgot that the worship time is not your time. We are worried about what we are going to say, our attire, about our voice, about the music and instruments, the quality of the sound, etc. See what I prayed first “God, show me that I am called for this” It was selfish of me that I want to lead well instead of HIM be glorified.
‘Show me I am called for this’ is asking him to prove that he is calling me to do this and he has to accompany me as I lead. There is no problem with acknowledging HIm, that is my point actually, but often time worship leaders are so worried about the outcome of the whole worship time.
But at the end of my every prayer. “Jesus, it is not about me, about the songs, about the music, not about us, It is all about YOU.”
Worshiping God is a lifestyle.
We must check our hearts from time to time. It is not actually the quality of my voice that matters when I lead, it is about the content of my heart towards the Lord. Why are you singing? Is it because you have a good voice? Is it because everyone is in the team and you just wanted to join? Is it because it looks fun in the worship team? NO.
You are there to worship GOD alone. Whether you are in the group or not, wherever you are, a true worshiper worships everywhere. Worship is not about singing or playing instruments. It is a lifestyle. Whatever you do that gives glory to Him is worship.
The fact that I have no strength to speak and to do things because I was so nervous. I let it go. I allow God to take over, and I will simply focus my heart to HIM. It is His grace that flow to me, so I would be able to do what he wants me to do. I know in my self that I cannot do it, but because He told me to do it, I obey knowing He will be with me.
When you are called by God to do a task, He will surely enable you. Just say “YES Lord, I will follow” with all your trust, He will guide you.
God gave me the grace to sing. And I want to use that for Him. We all do have God-given gifts, let us use them for His glory.
Purpose in Life
Today, it was not an accident that I got to read my old journal, I believe. I was reminded of my purpose in life. At the present time, the world’s standard of living is so high and depressing. Everyone runs to the top of the world, they work hard to be in the highest rank of life. Money, fame, and beauty, they worry about.
There were times in my life that I got depressed seeing my batchmates having a good experience, they travel, they have their own family, good career, house and lot, beautiful skin and faces, etc. and I started to look down on myself. I feel terrible! But God’s word is so comforting, and he rebuked me.
For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Mark 8:36
People may seem to have a good and perfect life, but God is looking to our hearts. He is more concerned with our souls.
I thank God, for he taught me how to be content and to keep fixing my eyes on Him so that all I can see every day is beautiful. He is lovely, and He created me in His own image. So, I am beautiful :), right? HAHA
The Prayer
Bro. Abraham ended his encouragement in prayer for me:
Father, I thank you in Jesus name. Lord, I release even the prophetic anointing. Lord the psalmist anointing. Lord, that is even upon my life. Father, I release Lord the measure of that anointing. I impart, I release, Lord that she may sing the song of the Lord, she may declare the prophetic song without fear and without hesitation and with power and authority. It shall come forth like a river it’ll flow in Jesus name. In Jesus name. Amen
God spoke to me through Him. These are one of the days where I only want to be wrapped in His arms. We fail most of the time, but His love never changes, never fails, and unending that challenges us to know him deeper.
I needed a confirmation for what I have been praying for, and there He goes, showing me this again. God is stirring my heart, and I do not want to live, not doing my purpose. God is calling every one of us, and He wants you as well. He wants your heart so he can freely move miracles in your life. Surrender yourself to Him.
“When you worship Me, they will hear Me” – GOD
Be a blessing!