It’s Day 10 of 30 Day Challenge! Though, I am not able to do this everyday, I am trying my best to finish the challenge on my own time. No pressure. I am still grateful that I reached this day. HAHA 10th. 20 more. It’s called progress.
What do people misunderstand about me?
Oh well! I think the way I talk. Some people misunderstood is as an angry tone of yelling. HAHA My husband mostly noticed that. “Why are you yelling?” he asked. Deep down my heart I am just normal talking to him. I told him that before, there will be time that you will think I am angry but I am not. It’s just that’s the way I talk.
When I care, I correct. But that’s one of my ways to care. I don’t want my friends or people that I care about to suffer because of wrong decision. Some will find this positive but others offensive.
I understand. I learned from it. I have to ask permission first if he/she needs to hear my opinion or not. Unsolicited opinion is not okay. So, I guess, I learned to adjust with that.
How about you? What do they misunderstand about you?
Thanks for your time!