We only have one life to live. We should learn how to take care of our body and not abuse it. Do what you can and be responsible, great, but do not overdo it. Now, I am learning to slow down when it is needed.

“Lord not yet. I have two kids.”
I was scared for a moment. I bowed my head and asked God to not let this happen. I felt like I was going to have a heart attack right there. I sat down to rest, the pain was severe that weakens my body. It would be great to see Jesus face to face, but at that moment I wasn’t ready. HAHA, It’s funny but legit. I thought about my kids. They are so little and thinking about them growing up without mommy beside them breaks my heart. So, I prayed to God “Lord, not yet. I have two kids”
We are given a precious life to live. What exactly we are doing about this?
Severe Pain
I still went to work even though I wasn’t feeling well. I took Paracetamol to relieve the pain in my neck. Around 4 o’clock in the afternoon, the pain went back and it severed. It goes up to my ears to my head and I couldn’t concentrate at work. I was alone praying that I could survive the day of work and just go home and sleep afterwards. A part of me wanted to call an emergency and ask someone to replace me in the store. But in my head, with my dedication to my job, I stayed. Stayed with the pain and being uncomfortable the whole time.
As soon as I finished my work around 9:10 pm, went straight to the hospital for an emergency. I couldn’t handle the pain anymore. I was worried about my blood pressure since it runs in my family and I had a history during my pregnancy. I had to do a strict diet when I was pregnant due to high blood pressure and high sugar level. I gave birth four months ago, and then my blood pressure went normal after giving birth, so I stopped taking the pills for high blood pressure right after. But it could trigger something again.
I check and looked at myself in the mirror a few times if there were any signs of my lips or jaw deforming. I didn’t have but I was nauseous. It could be the stress I was having from the discomfort.
In my mind, I was asking if this is my end game. Will I ever live my life long with my kids? That’s heartbreaking to think
High Blood Pressure
My husband drove me to the hospital. “Princess Grajo” as the nurse called my name. I noticed that the nurses laughed at my name. I was fine with that. They tried not to laugh as soon as I enter the room. Told them what I was experiencing. Severe pain in my neck runs to my ears and to my head. I forgot to mention that I also felt nauseous. The nurse checked my blood pressure, and it is indeed high. It could be because of the inflammation I have in my neck probably due to injury. They gave me a medicine called Naproxen. And I can continue with Ibuprofen for the pain. For my blood pressure, I must visit my house doctor for further tests if I should be taking maintenance if it continues to escalate.
With all honesty, I don’t want to go to the doctor’s office. Especially the process here in Aruba is kind of a hassle. The waiting is long, you cannot go to the doctor’s walk-in, must call for an appointment. So even if you are there in front, call the telephone for an appointment. And most of the time the line is always busy. And when you got your appointment, most of the time, they will only prescribe you to take Paracetamol. I’d rather go to work sick than do all the procedures, it makes me more sick. HAHA
So, let’s just try to be healthy and do home remedies. Oh gosh!
Princess Leah from Star Wars
Even though I was in pain, during our conversation, I asked if they were laughing about my name. The other nurse said “I liked your name, Princess” I know they are holding it in. So I gave them more “My name is Princess Leah from Star Wars” And he’s like “Oh!” with a stare and ready-to-laugh-face” But he didn’t. He kept it in, the other nurse is smiling. To be honest, I am okay with that. I’m glad I made them laugh because they were probably tired of all the patients coming in. I heard them laughing as soon as we left. And again, it was fine with me. I would laugh with them but I was in pain.
The medicine they gave me had knocked me out throughout the night. I was very satisfied and Zaine, my 4-month-old baby slept well. He didn’t wake up in the middle of the night for his milk. I guess, he felt that mommy needs to rest. 🙂
Eye Opener
I looked strong on the outside but weak truthfully. The situation had my eye open, that our lives are precious. The company you are working for will replace you as soon as you’re gone. We only have one life to live. We should learn how to take care of our body and not abuse it or be abused by others. Do what you can and be responsible, great, but do not overdo it. I am learning to slow down when it is needed.
I need to take care of myself. And this is my realization these days. I’m still adjusting to two kids as a working mom. My emotions are like roller coasters. I feel bad working, not taking care of my kids, and leaving them at creche (daycare). When they got sick, the emotions and mom guilt are stronger. This also can add up to the stress and tension that affects our physical body. So I am trying to accept that I cannot control everything. But God can. I believe the Lord is teaching me to balance things in life, work, family, and friends. And to be able to give more to others, I must love myself by taking good care of myself.
Eat healthy, exercise (note to self), and don’t work too hard. Life is indeed precious. And love the life you live. We should spend our days here on earth happy, healthy, and fulfilling. May you have a wonderful and blessed day!
Love, Princess
I hear you girl ♥️ let’s make the best of it!
Girl, thank you 🙂