I told my new colleague today that I have my own website, I realized that it’s really been a while since I blog. Ideas and thoughts are all lined up in my head, and in my planner but didn’t post any. Well, I shouldn’t make any excuse, if this is something I really love to do, I should make time. Make time, Princess (tap on my shoulder). So, here’s my life lately.

From Love,Princess to PrincessLeah
I decided to change my domain name from LovePrincessdotco to PrincessLeahdotco.
LovePrincessdotCo serves me so well for the past 2 years. Though I don’t blog regularly, I am glad that I stepped out of my comfort zone. I love having my own space, sharing insights about life, and bits of basically my simple life here on the island of Aruba.
PrincessLeahCo is the same but I will try to be more colorful.
Do I want people to read my blogs? Yes of course, but what drives me more is doing one of the things I love — blogging. So whether I have readers or not, I will still keep doing it. Hoping that I would be able to learn to be consistent this year. I do this because of me. And of course, hoping that I could be an inspiration to others.
Lately, I’ve been planning to write something, about the restaurants I’ve been through the past months, share some photos of the island, etc. But just didn’t have the chance or maybe I am simply not motivated to share anything.
That fear is inevitable. But we should learn to do the things afraid. I wish I had learned that earlier. I felt like I have had lived my life with so many doubts and fears. And I want this blog site to be an eye-opener to the ones who are always afraid to step out of their comfort zone.
Cheers to blogging consistently! So help me, God! HAHA
- Take your time
- Embracing Inner Beauty: A Journey of Self-Acceptance and God’s Love
- Why I Didn’t Always Like My Name, Leah
- What are the things you don’t like about Mommy?
- Chapter 10: Chapter Closed: Unspoken Words
December, I did a dry run for a possible small business I wanted to open. An online handmade stationery shop. I called it Princess Leah Collections. I was surprised by the support and purchases. Grateful for everyone and for all the support.
I sell handmade greeting cards and personalized notepads. Soon, I will make this site more friendly to my shoppers. Looking forward to more of my ideas coming to reality. I pray for God’s guidance and wisdom for this new venture. I have never been so excited like this in my life. It’s scary, but it’s challenging. And surprisingly, at my age now, (you can’t find it in the calendar, anymore.HAHA) I got excited to try new things.
This is not new to me, though. I have been praying and dreaming about this. I really want to start a side hustle like this. Maybe one day, it can get huge. Let’s hope.
That’s all for today, my loves!
Though Covid19 protocols have been lifted these days, remember to keep safe all the time.
Have a great day!