Po-ké Ono is a Japanese/Hawaiian inspired restaurant located at Renaissance Market Place. We celebrated our 4th year wedding anniversary in Po-ké Ono, Aruba.

4th Year Wedding Anniversary at Po-ké Ono, Aruba
Time flies by fast, indeed. I would like to appreciate my husband for being a good husband and father to our 2-year-old daughter. OH wow, It still amazes me whenever I said “my husband” and “my daughter”. I couldn’t believe that this is ME now, once young and single didn’t know what to do with my life. And now, here we are celebrating life and love.
My family is a blessing that gives me strength and a clear purpose in life. I am happy that I can call myself a wife and a mother. 🙂
We are actually 8 years in a relationship, we were four years dating before we got married. And up to this day, I am grateful for the love the Lord has given us for each other. We are not a perfect couple but we are just right for each other. Cheers to 4 and more years of annoying each other! HAHA
We came home from work and literally change our clothes and went straight to the restaurant. Working parents are not that easy, but we thank God that we can still manage. We just needed a few hours to celebrate our anniversary and sushi is a must.
Also, a chance to unwind is helpful for any relationship. Couple should always make time to go out to strengthen and deepen the relationship. A time to reflect and appreciate each other more. We usually talk about our characters and ask each other “What do you like about me?” and “What are the things you don’t like.” Couples are not uniformed. We are different from each other and yet we should have the willingness to adjust with each other, to accept each other including our weaknesses, and try to make
Sushi Date
Every year on our anniversary day we go to a sushi restaurant. Not to mention way back, our first-ever date was in a sushi place in Palm Beach Plaza, Aki Sushi. 🙂
So this is our fourth year and this time, we decided to try this new one called Po-ké-Ono. And it didn’t fail us. The sushi I’ve eaten there was so far the best I’ve ever tasted, not even lying. They don’t pay me to write this blog, I just really want to share the experience. So, if ever they read this, you’re welcome. HAHA
They have special price deal every day of the week, It was Thursday and all sushi rolls are from dollar to florin. Great deal, huh? The conversion is 1 dollar equals 1.75 in florins.
You can check their site, and see their menu and prices.
Main Course
Brandon, my husband ordered a beef menu, while I stick to sushi. Why not? Who doesn’t love sushi? 🙂
Braised short ribs, served with sesame
mashed potato, braised cabbage, crispy onions, and an Asian-style salad.
Forgive me, because I didn’t memorize the names of these menus, my bad. But then again, you can always check on their FB page and their site.
And I came for this, Halo-halo in the house! It’s a Filipino dessert that means “mix”. It’s a mixture of some sort of ingredients.
Crushed ice with condensed milk, served with sweetened beans, jello, soft jams, sliced fruits, flan, shaved roasted coconut, and sweet potato ice cream -(Po-ké Ono Menu)
Po-ké Ono Drinks
I ordered a lemonade and this glass is so unique.
Customer Service in Po-ké Ono Restaurant
One thing I want to emphasize here as well is that they have excellent customer service. The lady who assisted and served us explained the menu very well and suggested what would be the best menu for us since it was our first time there.
We were welcomed very nice. The food was really good. Plus the ambiance is perfect for the night for our celebration. I couldn’t boast about this enough.
This is honestly one of the expensive dinners we had, for someone like us who are thrifty. But no regrets, we are very satisfied overall.
Afl. 200+ , it’s about $115.00.
Cheers to 4 years!
Grateful for four years of marriage, four years of ups and downs. Looking forward for more years with him. More restaurant to go, and when everything goes back to normal, hope we woul have more travels together with our little angel.
Thank God for the love and understanding, for patience. Thank God for His Word, a lamp unto our feet. We are not perfect but with God’s perfect love, we are the right ones for each other. God be glorified!
December 02, 2021. Fourth year wedding Anniversary
- Take your time
- Embracing Inner Beauty: A Journey of Self-Acceptance and God’s Love
- Why I Didn’t Always Like My Name, Leah
- What are the things you don’t like about Mommy?
- Chapter 10: Chapter Closed: Unspoken Words