Once again, I sing
Once again, I worship
You’ve proven me your presence
Touchable, tangible and real
I closed my eyes
I let it go, I let it out
All I wanted is to give you my heart and my all
You’ve shown me more
You’ve given me more
More than I was asking for
I asked for your presence to lead
I asked for your Love to overtake
I simply pour out my heart
You poured out your Spirit
I did not sing, I worship
Heart full of gratitude
Heart longs for You
Heart wants to touch Yours
Oh, how I love your presence
How I want for more
More of you, I long for
I seek you, find you and love you
This peace no one else can give
Once again, I feel brave
Once again, I feel loved
Once again, I do not ask anything
But your presence
World can give confusions
Yours is clarity of mind
Once again, I am home
The freedom I feel when I come
Peace I get when I call
Joy you freely given
Once again, let me say
Your presence is life to me
Love that I get from you
Let me share to others too
God, how amazing your love is
How can I live without this
Worthy are you, Lord
A God like you deserves to be adored
Once again I will tell you now and forever
Jesus, you are everything I ever needed