It is not easy to be calm in the midst of chaos but it’s easy to worry and panic. As you browse on your social media, read and listen to news around the world, people are panic buying. You can barely find hand sanitizers, disinfectants, alcohol and people go crazy for toilet paper. It may sound funny but really.. it’s real. I am not sure how they will protect themselves with toilet paper from the virus. Shelves are empty in stores. People are hoarding things, even the unnecessary. They are afraid of what is to come and about to happen. Government officials ordered school suspensions, curfews and lock downs.
The on going spread of the new corona virus (COVID-19) which is now characterized as pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) has taken over many lives in countries around the world. There are a lot of people infected and you can see the death toll announcement from different countries. People are dying, people are in fear with their lives, sad stories affect us. Economies fluctuate so fast – or let me say went down that fast. Many people are forced to stay home, forced to use their vacation days, to work at home, some are paid but not in full, instead around 80%-50% of their monthly salary, and some are ‘no work no pay’. And so on and so forth…
We are in crisis. Everybody is affected.
On top of that, articles and stories and/or even conspiracies spread all over the social media. What’s true and what’s not, I don’t know. But most of them instill fear, anger and panic to many people. I don’t know how you handle it, but for a while, I also distance myself to social media and just check correct information from the right source just to be informed on what’s going on in our country and/or around the world.
But in the midst of this, I still want to try to look at the brighter side. It is the right time to reflect.
Using Vacation Days and Stay Home
I am a mother of a 5 month old baby. I work in a retail company, I talk to people, to tourists every single day. If I get infected, I don’t want to transfer that to my baby or to anyone. If you ask me if I am worried or afraid, I would definitely answer ‘YES’. I actually don’t mind if it’s only me who gets sick, but I have a baby now and all I can think of is her health. I have to protect myself as well, if anything happens, who’s going to take care of my baby? It is my responsibility to protect my child.
When the prime minister announced the suspension of school including closing of creche (daycare). I panicked. Me and my husband both work, we bring our daughter to a creche and pick her up after work. I had to ask my supervisor a day off or week off, but because the announcement was so sudden, I understand it is not easy for them to decide and get people to work in my stead. My husband and I had to work half day at least so we could look after our daughter in shifts during the week until the company let me use my vacations. Thank God!
Lock Down
Updated: 15 Mar 2020, 20:00 AST Government has announced that Aruba will institute a lockdown for all incoming international passengers (non-residents). Starting Midnight tomorrow night (16th) until March 31st. The decision is to prioritize containment of the COVID-19 virus and "flatten the curve", especially considering Aruba has a small hospital. Visitors on island can depart. Residents of Aruba can arrive and depart, however, there is a travel advisory for residents to not travel. Cargo will continue to arrive. They emphasize for everyone to continue taking precautionary measures, including "social distancing". And a request to employers to reduce/eliminate groupings of people and allow people to work from home, if possible. And for anyone with symptoms to contact call center: 280-0101 There are still only 2 positive cases on island so far. PLEASE REMAIN CALM!!!
I read this online and immediately watched the news and this is our first lock down. Understanding this, it means no more tourists on the island. It also means a lot of businesses will be closed. Few days after, I received an email from the company I work for, stating that they are letting us use some of our vacation days and that we can stay home with our love ones up to April 30. Whether we’re paid or not, I would rather stay home with my daughter during this season. But thank God we will get paid, not full but there’s something. I am grateful for whatever I receive.
Corona Virus Case in Aruba
The best way to be updated and be informed correct news is to go to the right source. In this season, rumors are also everywhere so just be aware and not to believe everything on the social media unless it is announced by the government.
Here’s the link about the COVID-19 cases in Aruba.
I also follow the Facebook page of our Prime Minister Evelyn Wever-Croes.
As of today, March 25, 2020 the total case in Aruba is 17.

Stay Calm and look at the Brighter Side
I could take care of my baby
With this lock down, I could spend time with my daughter. She’s a sweet little 5 month old baby, my angel. I could take care of her and be assured she is safe at home with me. My husband is still working. I am mostly the one at home with her during the day. It’s great to be with your loved one during this time. I have to look at this in a positive way so I can stay calm.
For a working mom and a new mom like me, It is my pleasure to see her and take care of her everyday without rushing. When I work, I only see her in the morning before we drop her at the creche (daycare) and when I go home she’s probably sleeping. I couldn’t play with her all day because of work. Now, I could see her smile, hear her laugh and her tantrums. HAHA. She’s cute. It’s tiring but I know this is where I should be during this crisis.
I could forget all the negative news everywhere for a while when I see Zoey’s face.
Do Homemade Recipes
We are too tired from work and with a baby to feed at nights plus household chores, it is always an option to buy food outside at times. But now I am staying home, though it’s still difficult to find time to do chores because Zoey wants mommy’s time and attention, HAHA, I could still manage to cook food at home sometimes. Brandon, my husband cooks for us as well. And homemade food is always the best one.
Connect with Friends and Family
Group chats and video calls are the only way we can connect with our friends and love ones far from us. My family in Philippines are in quarantine as well, we have time to chitchat and laugh, tell stories, we communicate.
I think when we are too bored, nothing to do, we remember the ones we used to talk and laugh with. I have friends in Philippines that I recently got back in touch with after a long time. Re-united.
My K-drama Addiction is ON
Koreanovela is life. HAHA Now, I have time to watch at least few episodes a day. Their stories are mostly cliche, let’s be honest. But I love it, there are lessons and realizations from watching the series sometimes. When it’s about love life, I feel younger. What’s best is when it’s about a story of friendship, family and love, they are the best. I recently finished watching Reply 1988. One of the best series I’ve watched so far.
I don’t wish the virus to keep spreading. It breaks my heart whenever I hear or read news about it. How terrible the situation is, how many families suffer because of it, how many people are still in danger. It’s extremely sad. It made you fear your everyday life “What if I get infected?” I have a baby to protect. She’s all I am thinking now. I want to keep her safe. I want her to grow happy and healthy.
During this time, we could all fear what it is to come, what it is to happen next. But it is also a time to be reminded that GOD IS IN CONTROL. We don’t know what his purpose is, I could say ‘maybe this and that’ or ‘probably this and that’ but in my own opinion, I think God misses his children so much.
We are so busy with our lives, work and family. We don’t have time to even read at least one verse a day to hear what he wants to say. We probably don’t pray at night or not at all. Life becomes so comfortable and we don’t think about HIM. We forget that God loves to hear our stories. He is always waiting for us.
So why not grab this opportunity while you are at home, while you are in quarantine to have some quiet time with the Lord? Those days and nights that you couldn’t sleep, you worry, you’re stressed and afraid, God wants you to know you are not alone. He knows what He is doing and you just need to trust HIM.
I am human, I got scared and I panicked at times but His Word is my comfort, our comfort. But it is good to be reminded that God will always be there for us, no matter what. And with that, I can sleep at night with peace.

I know there are more good things to look at during this virus crisis, even if it is difficult to find one, take your time and fill your heart with things to be grateful for.
Thank you for your time reading this. Be safe 🙂

Thank you for this encouragement 🙂
You’re welcome, Delbeth. 🙂