I wanted to write something about my engagement a month ago, but I couldn’t because of a busy schedule, and at the same time, I did not know how to start. Still can’t believe? Haha 🙂
Looking back, months before I met him, I was earnestly praying to God to show me and send me the one He created just for me to be my lifetime partner. I was not desperate, but in everything, this time, I want God’s will to be done in my life.
One morning, I was praying and ended up composing a prayer song about it. One of the lines goes like, “I want to meet that man, a man who loves God more than I, who try to do the will of God. I wanna wait for that man to be with him for the rest of my life.”
This thought of meeting that kind of a man has been in my heart ever since. I will always believe that a person who loves God knows to handle any relationship with purity, love, and respect. I am one of the girls who believe in a fairy tale love story. I am okay with imperfection, though. I want someone who loves God.
Two weeks before I met him, I was crying like a baby. Honestly, I prayed to God about having someone whom I can share my thoughts, someone I can pray for and with, someone I can be silly with, someone I could be myself, exposing my flaws and yet still look at me lovely and beautiful, the way God sees everyone with unconditional love. I wanted a partner. I didn’t ask for just a boyfriend but a husband-to-be. The kind of relationship everybody would ever want to have.
God taught me to focus more on Him, seek Him, know and experience His love even more and little by little. He was preparing me to be the ‘someone I want to be with,’ Meanwhile, there is this guy who had been praying the same thing. While a man was waiting, God also molds him the way He wanted him to be so that when we are both ready, we will share the love God showered us to each other.
I looked up to God, gaze on His beauty, I chased Him, and He led me to this man unknowingly. It happened when you least expect it, huh? My words may sound cheesy and crazy, but I knew from the start, the moment I saw him, he is the one whom I would call MINE. I can even hear God whispering to my ears, “My Princess, yes, he is the one.”
We were celebrating the new year’s eve, (Yeah! I am so late, it’s February now. LOL ) I thought it’s just one of the pose he wanted for picture taking, because it’s normal for us to do silly things. He knelt his knee, looking up to me, held my right hand. I was just standing there with a bewildered look on my face. I could hear everyone screaming, and I was like,
“Okay, what’s going on?” “Is this for real?” My cousin Abegail asked.
With everyone’s whoooooosss,ahhhhhhs and waaahhhhhhs together with the fireworks, I could hardly understand what he was saying. I managed to listen to the last part. “Baby, I love you so much. You are my answered prayer.” He took the ring pop first and wore it in my finger. I loved that part, though.
I don’t mind if it was not a diamond ring or whatever, I would still say YES to whatever kind of ring it is. But thank you for it is so sparkling beautiful. He never fails to make me feel pretty and special. (Special Child? LOL)
“Will you marry me?”
How could I say No to my answered prayer? Should I stop now, right? I have to save some for my vow. I am just proud of my God, who writes our love story.
To God, be the glory.
It was New Year’s eve. Our Two Year and three-month Anniversary, January 1, 2016.
And I said YES!
Wow, because we Different to others, when in the Lord that we are, all we ask in prayer, be fulfilled at the Right Time, which we expected! Congrats! and I Happy for You 🙂 God Bless..
Thank you. GOD bless you more.
Wow, because we Different to others, when in the Lord that we are, all we ask in prayer, be fulfilled at the Right Time, which we expected! Congrats! and I Happy for You 🙂 God Bless..
Thank you. GOD bless you more.
Congrats, girl! 🙂
Thank you so much! 🙂
Congrats, girl! 🙂
Thank you so much! 🙂