I am so grateful for all of these things happened in my life. I literally don’t have the budget to travel. But I call this — God’s favor. I was down and depressed for past years but the Lord helped me get up and begin again.
I got to see places I couldn’t imagine I would be able to. The Lord has proven His faithfulness to me. Yes, it is great to have a good paying job, work hard, be diligent and have determination. But the past years were not so good for me, living in a foreign country. I couldn’t do what I want to, I couldn’t get the job I want to. I had to be strong and silently being brave. I would admit that there were days that I wanted to give up but the Lord re-opened my eyes once again.
I felt bad that I couldn’t trust him that much during those times. I only see the negative things in my life. It’s not me. I wasn’t myself and I wanted to get up. So I asked God for help but at the same time, I decided to get up. It is a decision only you can make. I have to be clear that even I serve Him, there were days that problems and trials overwhelm me and anxiety and depression take over. But I believe that God is fighting for us. So here I am, still alive and fighting.
I believed again. I hoped and this is it. God has shown me that my circumstances don’t define me. 2017 was an eye opener for me that HE can do impossible things possible. I live in Aruba for six years and I am thankful that I survived and still surviving.
I got to see the US for the second time. This time was a little bit longer. Since I don’t have any responsibility I was able to visit the US, most of the days in South Carolina. I was in the US for five months. Wow. I am really grateful for God’s favor.
God never ceased to amaze me, huh? I had surprises from Him all the time and I am loving it! Before going back to Aruba, he let me see part of North Carolina.
Down Town Asheville, North Carolina
We went to Downtown Asheville, historical place. I am not really good at HISTORY, you know? So I am not here to tell what happened in that place HAHA :)But what I love about history areas is you get to see and walk where important events took place. I will try next time to learn about the places I went to. For now, I want to share how it looks like somehow.
Thought they were at a rally. I was only gonna take pictures of the building. You know, believe it or not, I am not used to noisy place anymore. I lived in the Philippines for 26 years, I managed to live in a city. But for 6 years in Aruba, where it’s quiet and peaceful, island life and called ‘One Happy Island’, I got shocked seeing people walking around, horning their cars loudly. There’s this car who stopped in a pedestrian lane, so the people were kinda mad at her, they’re giving her strange look. We happened to cross the road and I was talking to Mommy about something and raised my hand pointing to something else, the driver thought I was saying something to her like “Why did you stop here?” Of course, I didn’t say that even it was on my mind. So she started to curse and call me “Bitch”. I had to laugh, looked at Mum and Uncle Mike and they smiled. I hope Nathan, my seven-year-old brother didn’t hear it. We kept walking and on the other pedestrian where people are crossing headed to us, a lady was crossing with a dog on a leash, she was wearing a blouse, an underwear and cardigan, while she was walking you can see the side of her treasure. I don’t usually care how people dress, if that makes them happy, I really don’t mind but of course, I have eyes. Followed by a sports car who drives recklessly and music on playing so loud. OMG. And I suddenly whispered “Welcome to the city”
One thing I realized is I am not a ‘city person’. I prefer tranquility. It’s good to visit places and see huge buildings and many people at times. But I got used to Aruba vibes and I prefer a quiet and peaceful place. It’s not a perfect place all the time. But I think God let me see this another side of life for me to appreciate where I am.
I love music so I took pictures to one of the bands in the street. I also noticed that there are a lot of homeless people. It’s a new thing for Nathan, North Augusta, South Carolina isn’t like this, it’s quiet there. So here in North Carolina is different. I enjoyed it though.
I was amused by this food place. Giant Spiders look real. My childlike character showed up quickly as soon as I see them. The idea was great. Clap clap to the owner.
For more pictures, you can add me on my Instagram account (Naks!Arte!) These are some of the photos taken at DownTown Asheville, North Carolina.
IG: princessyhang01
2. The Blue Ridge Mountains
This is the main reason why we were in North Carolina. Uncle Mike and MOmmy want me to see the beauty of it, not only the mountains but at least it’s about time where leaves are changing. They said some call it ‘leafing’ during Fall Season. It was a long drive, though. But it was really fun especially spent with loved ones.
We went first to Blue Ridge Parkway, where you can get directions and of course souvenirs. I started to collect magnets from places I went to.
I actually don’t want to show my face anymore. The background is more important when you travel. HAHA. Am I right? But yeah, I would still like my face to be seen at times.
Inside, you can see and read the history. As I have said I am not so good at collecting information. I wish I am that kind of person who can give you accurate history. We’ll be like that one day. HAHA 🙂 But Blue Ridge Parkway/Mountain is also known as “America’s Favorite Drive”
We went driving after Blue Ridge Parkway.
I love nature. And I can’t explain how it felt seeing the beauty around me. God is so good. His creation was amazing. Like, God, you’re here. The work of His hands is wonderful.
Do you see that? The green leaves becoming red. Well, it’s my first time to experience this. 🙂 I’m so happy, though I couldn’t see them all changed. I’m still amazed.
As we went further, we got to see this.
What I loved more is the weather. It was cold there. I loved it!
I’m really grateful for the experience. God is so good. To God be the glory.
Truly, God never ceased to amaze us. I know this happened the last year October 2017, I am so late but I am still determined to share things I experienced. For me, they are miracles and favor of the Lord. His surprises are the best. I will be forever grateful!
It’s me,
Nice one. God bless you always 🙂
Thank you, God bless you more 🙂
Nice one. God bless you always 🙂
Thank you, God bless you more 🙂
Nice pictures! Who wouldn’t be grateful for these! More, pls! 🙂
God is good. 🙂 Thank you po.
Nice pictures! Who wouldn’t be grateful for these! More, pls! 🙂
God is good. 🙂 Thank you po.