These are the list of my favorite blogging quotes. They inspire me to keep going and keep doing what I love to do.
Blogging has been my escape. And if you are my reader from the beginning, you’ll notice that I have talked about this many times. I love writing here because I can freely express myself, and at times I feel like somebody. (for someone who used to have low self-esteem)
At the beginning of this year 2023, I wanted to be consistent in writing. I have a list of content to share, and to be motivated, I wrote down some blogging quotes in my blogging notebook.
I have six quotes to share.
Blogging Quotes
To blog = to share, to connect, to create, to inspire.

When I was starting on the blogosphere, I was so ashamed because I didn’t know how this thing worked. But then as time went by, what I enjoyed the most was connecting with people. I started with WordPress, a free site and I met some bloggers. I actually miss them. Because here, the paid site, it is not easy to appear on the reading feeds of other bloggers.
Blogging is the perfect way to turn your passion into a profession.
Casey Botticello
I decided to do the paid site for the purpose of monetizing the blog in the future. I am still learning how to do this but for now, I want to enjoy the fact I have my own space and share my thoughts and passion with others 🙂
Create a life that feels good on the inside, not just one that looks good on the outside.
Blogging has really been my hiding place. It feels great when I write and publish something. Sharing my thoughts and lessons in life has an urge inside, maybe because I would like to inspire others in any way. It could be through my personal experience and story or just by simply blogging.
Also, my life here in Aruba could also give others an idea of what is it like to be here. And of course, it’s beautiful, indeed. I have had ups and downs as well.
Blogging is a way to document your story & inspire others to write theirs.
Casey Botticello
From being so down, sad, and depressed to getting up again was one of the main highlights of my blog site. My darkest times brought me here, and I am still here. Thank God for that.
Yes, I would like others to start blogging if that is in their hearts, I would gladly guide them if they would like to 🙂
Blogging is not rocket science. It’s about being yourself and putting what you have into it.
Bloggers share almost 100% of themselves. Of course, along the way, you also learn to keep some for yourself and privacy. But the good thing about blogging is you put your heart into it, it’s you. And it is good to be yourself, isn’t it?
Too often, feeling intimidated becomes our excuse not to be awesome.
Scott Stratten
I can relate to this. I have my moments (a lot of times) of feeling intimidated for many reasons. Firstly, I am not an expert. And my grammar at times (all the time? HAHA) is terrible. But I still do it, because I love doing this. I let go of the feeling of being not that good.
Yes, others are great at blogging or writing. But before they become great at what they do, they begin somewhere. They also start from the bottom. So for us to be awesome, we have to confidently start somewhere and enjoy it. For all we know, when we keep doing it, we will become great at it.
No matter what it is you would like to do, just begin and don’t be intimidated. Life is precious, do what you love and love what you do.
Have a wonderful day, lovely peeps!