I don’t use AI for my pictures for some reason. It’s good to see yourself differently, but whenever I see it, I feel terrible inside because I know it’s not me. I remember my younger years when I couldn’t accept who I really was. I couldn’t see any beauty in myself at all.
Knowing God’s love made me realize how unique and lovely He created me. At a young age, I learned (the hard way, though) that real beauty is inside. Focusing more on my heart became a priority, asking God to change me every time, and learning His ways.
I would be a hypocrite if I said that I don’t feel less about myself at times. I still do, but when that happens, I always remember my identity in Christ—that I am truly loved by HIM.
In this world nowadays, the important thing to know is that we all need God’s approval, no one else’s. Others’ admiration is just a bonus of God’s favor and glory. Truly, whoever I am now, I owe it all to the ONE who created me. I will be forever grateful to God for making me who I am.
Still use AI for images to feel good.
Without any judgment toward those who use AI tools for their images, keep doing so if it makes you feel good. But just be mindful that this won’t make us beautiful because we already are. You are already beautiful. Making ourselves presentable is essential to our daily lives, but beauty is not physical; it is in our hearts. The Lord looks at our hearts, and that is enough. 🙂
I am ready for more lessons in life. I may not possess what the world defines as beauty and success, but I am grateful for the salvation, love, and peace I found in JESUS. For that, I don’t need any AI; I just need JESUS every day.
“You can have the world, but give me JESUS.

“For the LORD sees not as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7 Amplified Bible (AMP)