Princess Leah

DIY Travel Journal

Hello there! I hope everything is well with you people ☺️

I always wanted to have my own travel journal. I am not so good in writing a procedure (not good at writing at all! Haha nagfe-feeling lang!) but I would love to share how I did my journal.

After few times of browsing and checking on Pinterest, I had a strong feeling of making my own. Why? First, the popular Midori Travel Journal is expensive. Don’t get me wrong, I love it so much. If I could, I would love to buy one for me one day. But because of circumstances, I cannot afford a 25-40 dollars journal.


So, I have to make another option– Do-It-Yourself.

Second, I am really a journal lover. I have learned that nowadays, people make different kinds of journal and it was a good idea that we have separate journal for our random thoughts, verse of the day and prayer, Daily to-do-list journal or planner, and a Travel Journal, where you keep records of memories and places you went to. You can also write the places you wanted to go and make it your goal.

Travel journal isn’t only for people who travel all the time, out of town or country trips. You can also use this when you go places within your vicinity. For example, I just want to go to Starbucks. Since I live in Aruba, where surrounded by beautiful beaches, I can go there and take a picture, print it/them before or after going to SB and write about my thoughts. It doesn’t have to be out of the country all the time. So don’t make it like “Oh this is only for travelers” Nah.. I strongly believe this is for everybody who doesn’t want to stay at home the whole day and make his/her day fun and memorable.

Okay! Lets begin… (daldal ko e no?haha)

Materials Needed:

  • Foam (Color of your choice)
  • White papers
  • Specialty papers
  • Wrapper
  • Elastic bands
  • Stapler
  • Sewing Kit
  • Ruler
  • Scissor
  • Washi tapes (optional)
  • Printer (optional)

As you can see, I couldn’t find an elastic bands so I used my choker with bling bling. 😂 (it would be great if you have elastic)


1. Make inserts first.

I am not gonna lie, google is my best friend. Everyone’s best friend. I searched for the dimensions.

You can use this size for the inserts. But you can also make your own.

For me, I just fold the letter size white paper lengthwise and measure vertically (21cm) and then cut the excess.

You can also follow the dimensions from Midori Traveler’s Notebook.

The quantity of papers to use is upto to you, Midori has 32sheets. I only used 10sheets because this is my first time doing it, I do not know if I will be able to use it properly. I didn’t want to waste the papers. But the good thing is, you can add more anytime.

2. Cut and Pile them.

After you measure, cut the excess of the paper and insert one by one.

3. Staple

4. Cover

Since I do not have a leather, I used foam. I watched videos on Youtube for the procedure of this:

As I have said, I used my choker for this. But I would suggest to buy an elastic band.

It’s actually upto you how long or wide you want your journal. You can make any adjustment with this.

When it’s ready, carefully add the 4 inserts. 5. Optional: Printable Dot/Grid Paper

I searched for a free Dotted paper. And I found this one from SavorAndSavvy It’s so cool. I don’t own that. It helped me with my new journal. Thank you! She has free printables for planners or bullet journaling. Check it out!

You can always choose a style on your notebook. If you want it plain, let it be. If you want to use specialty paper, dotted paper, go ahead. Be free to create something new.

I think that’s really the fun part, you learn from others, get idead from others and try to be creative on your own. ❤️

And there you go.

Bring your journal wherever you go, keep records on whats happening around you, take pictures, save the little papers whether a receipt from the restaurant you ate at, the tickets from the movies you watched, the plane tickets, the stamp from the places you went to, write your thoughts & experiences and.. yeah! Explore the world.

Handcrafted is heart-made. Make your own travel journal! ❤️

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