An Answered Prayer
“I remember kneeling down and praying to God. I was tired of childish and vain relationships. I asked God to give me a godly wife who loves Him above all else, who is able to love her husband and help raise godly children.
“God, please let her be a Filipina, and help us to love each other the way you want, to grow in you together.” God taught me to seek Him first , to set my affections on things above and to serve Him. About a year later he let me meet that woman. – Rowin Brandon
“I was earnestly praying to God to show me and send me the one whom He created just for me, my lifetime partner. I wasn’t desperate but I really wanted God’s will to be done in my life. I had composed a prayer song that time and there is a part that says “I want to meet that man who loves God more than I, who tries to do the will of God. I want to wait for him and be with him for the rest of my life.” God taught me to focus more on Him, seek Him and know Him deeper. While chasing God he led me to this man. I knew from the moment I first saw him that he is the one I would call MINE. I could even hear God whispering to my ears “My Princess, he is the one” –Princess Leah
This was written on our wedding invitation. Proudly telling our love ones and friends that God made a way for us to be together. God is good all the time.