1. I love Korean dramas
I do love how they write them. Mostly, they’re love stories. When it comes to love, they’re kind of pure. They have 16 to 21 episode per show. You know, that feeling that you want them to just kiss already, HAHAHA you’re already in episode 15 and there’s nothing. And that’s kind of excite. I am not sure if their culture is really like that, conservative (I doubt it!) but no matter what, I love Korean shows. They’re funny and cute 🙂
My top 3 favorites:
- Descendants of the Sun
- K2
- Boys Over Flowers (HAHA when I was younger)
- City Hunter (is good too. ansabe 3 lang e!)
2. I’m Ambivert
Let’s not confuse ourselves, It’s known that introvert are the quiet ones, shy and private while extrovert are the outgoing and talkative. Well, I can be both. It’s called ambivert.
Ambivert: Someone who exhibits qualities of both introversion and extroversion.
I love going out and be with people and I also want to have quiet time with myself at times. It depends upon the situation, and my mood?. So I guess, I am in that category – ambivert. (I maybe write more about this one day!)
3. I have a sweet tooth.
Chocolates. 😉 If I could eat it everyday, I would. I still care for my health, trying not to eat so much. My favorite chocolate is Hersheys Cookies and Cream. whooo!
4. Scrapbooking
I remember my younger years, even I am so tired from school or work, when I get home, scrapbooking was my way of releasing stress, I guess. My grandmother wakes up in the middle of the night and she will find me in the sala cutting all these scraps, papers and mess around. HAHA I still collect specialty papers and stickers!
5. Sanguine and Choleric
I have these two temperaments. Sanguine is positive and optimistic. Years went by, I should say, I really changed. There were years in my life here in Aruba that I was so negative and depressed. I considered them trials and challenges. I know that I am still a sanguine in a unique way.
Choleric are the bossy ones, bad tempered. Woooaah! Some people misunderstood me the way I talk. I don’t mean any thing bad or directly hurting someone by my words or the way I talk but yeah choleric people are known as ‘heartless’. I don’t admit I am heartless, though because I do have a heart. It’s just some of my actions are being misunderstood because one of my temperaments is choleric. This is not bad and it doesn’t define you.
The four temperaments are: Sanguine, Melancholy, Choleric and Phlegmatic.
I love talking about this personality with people, you know? It is also fun to observe them and learn their temperaments.
6. Journal /Planner
I write my thoughts and prayers. It used to be everyday but now that my time is not that managed well, I don’t always have time for this. I do browse different layouts in journaling and planning creatively. I am using Mini Happy Planner now and I also have a Travel Journal.
7. Calligraphy
I only learned this online. 😉 for free. Nowadays, it is easy to learn new things through internet. Google is our best friend and Youtube is our university. HAHA
8. Collections
I love to collect scrapbooking materials, washi tapes, and brush pens.
9. Worship Leader
I grew up in a Christian family and I love worshiping. God has been great for bringing me in the worship ministry. I’ve been doing this more than 10 years. And I will forever worship HIM.
10. Netflix
I love watching movies and series.
11. I’m Princess
Whenever people found out my name, they’re like ‘Wow, your mom must love Star wars’ Yeah. You got it right!I never watch it, though. My name is Princess Leah.
Note: My sister’s name is Queen and my brother’s name is King.
12. I love God
I am not religious. I just love the fact that God wants to have a relationship with us. I thank Him for what HE has done on the cross and I am forever grateful for His unending love.
13. I’m short.
I’m 4’11.
14. I have small feet.
It’s difficult to find my shoe size so I usually go to kids stores. I’m 33 years old, though.
15. I look younger than I am.
No comment.
16. I can cook Polvoron
My husband is helping me now, this is difficult than I thought. I am in 16th. 4 facts more.
Polvoron is one of Filipino deserts.

17. I like to sing.
Anywhere. Everywhere. HAHA
18. I sneeze without control
And LOUD! HAHA I don’t know why I can’t control it. They said you can but doesn’t work with me.
19. Tambourine Dance
I started this ministry at church when I was 12 years old. I dance with tambourine. I taught some kids here at church.
20. No tattoos
I would love to have one. One day!
Finally! Done. HAHA Thank you for being here. Till’ tomorrow 🙂