God never fails. We tend to try and control our own lives and do things on our own. God can do all things. But one thing he is not able to do is fail. He never loses a battle.
I’ve been listening to this song called ‘Never Lost’ by Elevation Worship for the past few days. It touched my heart and I got inspired. So, I created a simple calligraphy or handwriting design. While writing, His hope and peace fill my heart.
You can do all things You can do all things but fail Cause You've never lost a battle No you've never lost a battle And I know, I know You never will
He has been speaking to me not to be afraid. He is in control, a miracle-working-God. If He had performed miracles in the past, he can now and HE will in the future. And that is for sure. 🙂
He knows what he is doing and He is very good at what HE does. Therefore, there is nothing to worry about.
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Joshua 1:9
It is comforting to know that no matter how unfaithful we are, the Lord will always reach us out and show His kindness, mercy, and faithfulness – Through His WORD, through music, through people. Certainly, God is with us wherever we go.
Above all, God is reminding you today that He is the same GOD of yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
“God, you’ve never lost a battle. And you never will.”
May you have a peaceful and lovely day!