This is how we spend our day on Labor Day, May 1. At the same time, we are celebrating my daughter’s 6th month.
We are blessed to be in Aruba. We can just simply go to the beach anytime we want and enjoy the sun, the beach, and the breeze.

It’s great we could spend time with family today. My husband has been working during the lockdown.

It’s also a celebration for us because Zoey, our daughter, just turned 6th month old yesterday. Time flies by so fast.
As promised, baby Zoey. Here we are – Beach time. 🙂 She loves the sand, she didn’t complain. She’s a happy baby.
In Aruba, during ‘Shelter in Place’, we still go outside and continue to live. But there are precautions like you cannot go to the beach as a group. The maximum is 3 people.
We need the vitamin from the sun and vitamin sea. 🙂
There’s the fun part. Zoey’s first on the seawater. She cried at first maybe because it’s cold but then she tried to adapt. She surely had fun! 🙂
Thank God for the gift of family. They are both my blessings! 🙂 We may not know what would happen next but when we look at the good things in life, you calm down and just breathe thanking God for everything.
While walking at the beach and in deep thoughts, I received a Word from the Lord “I will direct your steps”

Just like the lines from the poem Footprints in the Sand:
He whispered, “My precious child, I love you and will never leave you
Never, ever, during your trials and testings.
When you saw only one set of footprints,
It was then that I carried you.”
So when we worry, remember that God is always there. He still wants you to enjoy life. Hang in there, this pandemic will soon be over.
When we were on our way home, daddy bought me doughnuts and iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts. It’s his treat for me. I’m the photographer. HAHA (Yes, DD at Alhambra, Eagle beach is now open again)

We all find ways to enjoy life during crisis. How did you spend your Labor Day? Whether you’re at home or you go outside, REST and RELAX are the best gifts you can give to yourself. You work hard. You deserve that.
Happy Labor’s Day! Keep safe.