I love writing and journaling but this is actually my first time doing a BuJo. After browsing on the internet especially on Pinterest. I finally decided to make my own.
I used colored cardstock, white papers and some stickers. I bought them at Palais Hindu and Dyon Center. At first, I wanted to just simply buy one. I saw a beautiful planner/journal at Kate Spade. I wanted it so bad but it’s quite expensive. So I decided to do DIY Planner. It’s more fun to design your own, though.
1. Day Planner- my daily plan
2. Ministry – all about church stuff.
3. Expenses
4. Notes
5. Goals
6. Projects
7. Contacts
Honestly, I just use this dividers I saw from an old organizer at home. I didn’t buy them. You can always make your own. Go to Microsoft Excel or Word, type your categories and print.
Someone gave me a hanging calendar. I used it for my planner.
I don’t really have much to do but I decided to plan to be productive. It is helpful for me to stop procrastinating. I honestly lost my motivation here, I wanted and praying to go back Philippines. It is really hard to be an overseas worker. I have to be strong and strive harder. So this is good to track how am I doing with my life. But you know, its not that easy to go back to my country because I have met my love of my life here. So trying to motivate myself and keep going.
That’s my daily plan looks like. I am sorry for the mess around. I don’t have table in my room. I have a small room but I am thankful I have place to sleep. 😝 I put verse everyday so I am always be reminded how faithful God is and to trust him everyday. I also add a habit tracker. Since, I also love scrapbooking, I kinda like to design my pages sometimes. I am planning to add pictures as well. Sounds fun! Besides from daily plan, I also have a weekly plan. To be honest, I am more into designing my pages. 😂 But I have to remind myself to plan and be really serious about doing it. Keep motivated and determined.
Every good memories are good to write down. When you have to look back, you’ll remember how you days become happy! I put a page for special memories. If you are planning to make one for your journal, bring out the artistic spirit in you. As long as you are having fun, go for it!
I love watching movies with special someone,family and friends. One of my to-do list for this year is to watch alone. Let’s see! Hihi. And, of course, Korean series are the best! OMG it’s really fun to watch korean love stories 😍 This is not necessary but for me it’s fun to write them down. I added page for them 😅
Next, birthday and special events. You’ll be reminded to greet them and do something for your friends and love ones. I added this because I used to memorize all of their birthdays but because of technology, we sometimes depend on fb reminders or phone reminders. It’s not bad to do that but for me, I wanted to remember them by heart.
Because of so much websites to join, we sometimes forget our passwords. So Websites with Password page in your journal can help you remember them. But of course, be really careful not to leave your journal unattended.
Good thing about Bullet Journal, you can add more pages as much as you want. I also put some quotes and motivational and inspirational reminders between the days or weeks. You can choose where you want them to put. It’s really helpful for me to keep going especially when I don’t have enough courage to do something. Reminding myself that God created me to do something great in this world. Remind yourself everyday that you are fearfully and wonderfully made.
So far, this is my set up. I got some ideas from Youtube and Pinterest. Happy Journaling! 😘