In the month of January, I was all excited about me being serious about my blogging life. I know I have so many things to learn about this but what is exhausting is whenever I try to write about a certain topic – I ended up leaving them hanging on my drafts. Because to me, all of them are not good.
Constantly telling myself “Just blog, write something, anything. It doesn’t matter if it is bad or not. Just write”
And then, February passed, I have so many things line up to write about but didn’t have a chance to publish any. How sad! After that, I have to tell myself all over again that it is okay! You can start all over again. Same cycle. As a result, you didn’t do anything at all.
Be easy on yourself, be hard at the same time.
Today, the same thought. So as I lay my head on bed after a long day of work, I had to pull myself up. “DO more of the things you love to do”Stand up, and write! Be easy on yourself by believing in yourself again when you feel like you are behind, or you couldn’t measure up. Be hard by challenging yourself. I heard this line all the time during my younger years “If others can do it, you can also do it”
I’m here sitting down in front of my desk, I turned on my computer and start writing. But before that, I want to be honest. I’ve been wondering if there is something wrong with me. My husband passed by and sees the screen, a psychological test. And told me, ‘Baby, there’s nothing wrong with you”
I did a test. A perfectionism test. And the result is…
Source: https://psychologytoday.tests.psychtests.com/bin/transfer
You possess a healthy level of perfectionism
Dang! I thought it is something bad. What a relief! Sometimes, we worry about something we shouldn’t worry about. You’re just fine, (a tap on my shoulder)
The next is something I have to work out on. It is not bad to check your mental level, you know? It is for our own good.
Potential Strengths
- You do set standards for yourself – sometimes they are reasonable, other times they may be a bit extreme
- You seem to have mixed feelings regarding what your family wants from you – sometimes you feel pressured to be flawless, other times you do not
- The degree to which you are expected to be perfect at work seems to vary – in some cases or for some tasks, you may be feel a need to be flawless, while for others you do not
- You seem to feel the need to live up to some of society’s standards, but totally dismiss others
- You do not expect perfection from colleagues, but you may want to consider setting at least some standards in order to encourage a good work effort from others
- You do not set high standards for your loved ones, which means that you give them the freedom to be who they want to be; however, you may want to consider the benefits of setting at least some reasonable expectations, in order to bring out the best in them
They are all actually true. What can I say? I am just glad that I take this test. Proving that it is completely normal to feel what I feel. Nevertheless, I should still do something about it. I think my problem is procrastination. What do you think?
Life Lesson
Because blogging is something I enjoy and yet it is also one of the things that gives me stress. I have to work out some things in me. I’ve been too hard on myself. While the truth is, it is more enjoyable when we learn to embrace our imperfections.
In addition, improving ourselves is one of the keys. We definitely not need to be perfect. Don’t let your weaknesses hold you up on doing what you love to do. I think we all have to be brave in facing our fears. How many times do we have to hear this, and yet we got stuck in the same situation? The answer is. A lot of times.
In other words, we don’t give up on ourselves. God created us for a reason. After all, He is the source of life. Let’s run to the one who write our story, the one who gave us the desire and ignite the passion in our hearts to a greater purpose.
In conclusion, the perfectionism test could help us to have a good check of our mental level. But at the end of the day, the only ONE who could really help us overcome our weaknesses is GOD.
I’ve been praying for God to help me do the things he wanted me to do. And if this is one of them, I will try all over again. My progress is slow, but GOD is so patient with me. A reminder to me that I should also be patient with myself.
Thank you for reading my blog! Have a great day! 🙂