I was shocked when my three-year-old daughter told me, “Mommy, I’m not a good girl. I’m a bad girl” She was crying and kept repeating these words.
“Why would you say that, Zoey? Who told you that?” I asked.
“I’m a bad girl because I disturbed everybody” she answered.
We were in the car preparing to go home from church service. She just suddenly said these words and it truly breaks my heart as her mom. So I had to explain to her that she is not a bad girl. Reminding her that she is a very good girl. That God created her very beautiful, nice, sweet, and very smart and repeatedly told her she is a good girl.

Sunday Worship Service
During Sunday service, Zoey could be very active, walking around and just being a kid. She’s just three years old, and I know that she has to still learn a lot of things, one is behaving well when we go to church. Of course, with all honesty, when she’s being loud and walking around, giving everybody goldfish snacks including the pastor speaking, I kind of feel embarrassed. Not of her, but her innocent action.
We would tell her what not to do and behave. Zoey is allowed to be who she is, that is for sure. She could be difficult but that’s how she is and we love her as she is.
I reminded her that even mommy and daddy scold her at times, telling her what to do, the don’t do this and that doesn’t mean that she is a bad girl. “You are a very good girl, Zoey” and constantly telling her that.
I also reminded her what she did to me today after the service, she saw me crying while talking to some friends at church, came to me, and asked me with a concerned face “Mommy, why are you crying?” she gave me a hug and wiped my tears a few times. She’s the sweetest.
So I told her, “Zoey, you are a very nice kid. Mommy is sad that you feel that way, I don’t want you to feel that. Because it is not true, you are a good girl”
Before we sleep…
We went home and when I was putting her to sleep, I recalled our conversation and couldn’t get over it. So I told her again, “Zoey, know that mommy and daddy love you as you are. You are a good girl, okay?”
“Okay, mommy” she answered.
And she’s sleeping now while writing this blog. I’ve been preparing a different topic as a first post this year. But there’s an urge in me to share this one.
Dear Parents
We do have a big responsibility to make our children feel loved and accepted. It’s good to teach them manners but one of the important things they also have to learn is to love themselves and believe that God created them wonderfully.
We may scold them all the time because of the challenging attitude they have as they grow, but teaching them to speak positively about themselves is one of the priorities.
Honestly, I’m surprised that she feels this way at her age. But it’s also eye-opening for me as her mom. If I would like my daughter to talk positively about herself, I should be doing the same.
Speak Life
If you look down on yourself and have low self-esteem, it’s time to speak life. God reminded me to see myself the way HE sees me. He is our heavenly father who created us beautifully and wonderfully. The enemy will try to steal that from us from believing the opposite.
Whenever you feel it, rebuke it and speak God’s word upon your life. Because the TRUTH is… GOD is truly in love with us. He sees us as lovely, righteous, and holy.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Psalm 139:14
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
Hope you are having a great day, lovelies! Thank you for stopping by. ’till next time.