I looked around to see if they have high chair for baby. I didn’t see any. Even I would see one, I won’t use it anyway. My one year old daughter, Zoey isn’t with us, this time, anyways
It was 15th of February, 2021. We decided to have breakfast date as a celebration for Valentine’s Day! If I would be honest with you, I am in this of stage of life where I don’t really mind whether he has gift for me or not. Either way, I am just grateful that we are well.
In general, I am not really a materialistic wife. If he gives me something, thank you. If not, I am okay with it. Whatever it is, I am just grateful we are still able to do this together.
From time to time, we would spend time together. Don’t get me wrong, we love our daughter. Though I would love her to be around, it is also good to have some quality time with your spouse. We were busy with work, with Zoey, with everything.
Having this time together alone is also a way of showing our love to Zoey. We want to be good parents. So, we need to take care and build our relationship as married couple as well.
I am grateful for Brandon, my husband because he is a hands-on-man. He helps me with household chores and taking care of Zoey. It’s a blessing! Thank you, Jesus. Not to mention, MY HUSBAND IS A GOOD COOK! So, Hallelujah! HAHA
Going back, Morning date it is!

I love the name of this cafe, Santos Coffee with Soul.
I have a thing for cafe. Not only because I love the smell of the coffee, and of course, the coffee itself. Who wouldn’t love it? But also. I love the ambiance. It calms you down. It makes you reflect on your life. It’s cozy and you feel like you can do anything just a sip or two from your mug. HAHAH Adik lang?
I have always want to write about cafes here in Aruba, it’s my kind of thing. When I talk about blogging about coffee shops in Aruba with my husband, he would remind me not to use “coffee shops” in my writing. Cafe should be the word, then.
I will tell you why. In Netherlands, coffee shops are place where you can buy weeds, the maryjane, legally. HAHAH so that’s noted. Still, I would use it. In Aruba, coffee shops are just simple cafe. That’s it!
Santos Cafe had been one of my favorite hangouts. (when I have extra money) HAHA It’s a little pricy but it’s good. Coffee is always good! 🙂

I wish, I took a picture of the menu so you guys have an idea of the prices. Hmm.. So next time I go there, I would definitely take a pic.

Zoey at Santos
Actually, when ZOEY …. (I can’t stop talking about her, huh? Forgive me, I just love her so much HAHA) was a baby, She was only 1 month old when I first take her out with her Tita Trish.
Tita Trish was one of the good people who had helped me cope up with postpartum – extreme sadness and exhaustion. Thank you, Tita Trish! Santos Cafe was our first out, just right after Zoey’s first vaccine from Yellow Cross.
Let’s look back 🙂

With the Girls
This cafe is also good for Bible study and fellowship. It’s one of our choices. We just talk about life and God in here.

From left : Rose, Me and Jeriah. Insert Kimberly, something urgent came up and she wasn’t able to join. This was taken July 2020. It’s still during pandemic. But this was before the second wave in Aruba. We had a chance to catch up.
My circle of friends in Aruba is really small. Unlike when I was in Philippines. I think every week, I go out with some friends there. But it’s fine. I had to embrace the big changes in life. I am glad I have these amazing people in my life.

Thank you guys for reading! Have an awesome day ahead. Blessings!